I’m a User Experience Researcher with a background in Behavioural Science. I work at the intersection of research practices, impactful experiences and organisation culture.

Good research is about making better decisions — my approach is adaptive and pragmatic. It is about blending appropriate methods with rigour, and working within available resources and constraints.

Through my work I’ve created and executed research programs for existing, emerging and exploratory products. I developed the UX Design Graduate program, created Design Practice culture initiatives, and coached teams to build their research capabilities.


In 2015 I founded UX Gatherings, a monthly event for Melbourne’s design community with my Partner Renée Carmody.

I’m a speaker, mentor and facilitator on topics like User Experience, Human Centred Design and Research Practice for universities and UX programs at Monash University, RMITo, General Assembly and Academy Xi.





If you’re in Melbourne, Australia, then I'm up for coffee and a chat.

0421 779 565



I speak on User Experience, Human Centred Design and Research Practices at conferences, universities and organisations. Send through an email with more information about your opportunity.